Gatherings and Special Events

Location for all events

Gatherings (open to the public)

Weekend of Walk (community members only)

GSAE Board Meeting

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.   - Matthew 18:20(NIV)

GSAE Community Calendar

Month Gathering Board Meeting Womens Walk Mens Walk
January 14 16 -- --
February 11 27 (4th Thu) 20-23 --
March 11 20 -- 6-9
April 8 24 (4th Thu) -- --
May 13 15 -- --
June 10 19 5-8 --
July 8 17 -- --
August 12-Picnic 21 -- --
September 9 18 -- --
October 14 23 (4th Thu) 16-19 --
November 11 -- -- 6-9
December 9 4 (1st Thu) -- --